I have received a mail of the author of Planet I smelled this morning spending the link of a video to me so that he was throwing a glance and I have been interested in so much that I am going to put it in blog. It is a question of a compilation of scenes in which a mirror plays an excellent role in the tension of a scene.
When I have given some course of cinematographic language, I believe that what more he was surprising to the people was when he was speaking to them about the importance of out of field. When we speak of out of field we refer to all that that it affects to the history but that happens it "was" of the frame of the image. In fact, as I have already commented one day, for theoretical some, this is the characteristic more definitoria of the movies. There is no any other art where such a strong tension takes place in what there is "inside" and what exists "out".
This that sounds so esoteric, in fact, is something that we have much assumed. For example in a terror movie, when we see the typical girl traveling for a corridor of what we are afraid the fact is that it could turn out to be slightly sudden that it is “out of field” but that, in any moment, can "enter" the field.
One of the typical formulae to "put" in the field something that, in fact, is be there are the mirrors. They have turned into a cliché in the terror movies. Almost we wait for it. Not only that, but when a mirror appears in a door we rely on already that, on having turned the door, there will appear someone reflected that, in fact, must not be there.
In fact, one has gone so far as to abuse this skill. That has taken that, in some movies, has been used just for the opposite. They take us to the wash-basin with the typical beautiful girl drying off after the shower. Then it opens the closet to extract the brush and for what we wait is that, when it closes it, the "villain" will appear. And it does not happen. It is an interesting perversion of the cliché that can help to recover the interest in planes of this type.
There are other perversions almost more interesting (like not using mirrors or "curious" mirrors) but that you already will see. The compilation is very entertaining. You will see many images that will remind old times to you. There have come to the memory movies that are part of my personal mythology but that I do not see for a long time. I want to emphasize two that I was loving; Halloween (my favorite movie of child's terror) and An American wolf in London.
Anyway, enjoy it. Thank you I Smelled!
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