Thursday, March 18, 2010

The movies unsay of dad that it is finished


It does a pair of weeks it closed Miramax, one of the most important producers of last 3 decades. His specialty has been to produce movies of independent movies in USA. But his closing is much more than a closing. It means the end of a certain well-off independent movies. Perhaps wonder why.

Miramax founded it in 1979 two very well-known brothers; Bob and Harvey Weinstein. In his beginnings, they threw his first productions and distributed some European movies in America. But, in my opinion, the most important thing came when it was bought by Disney in 1993.

Suddenly it happened of producing movies with four five-peseta coins, financed movies the same way of "minority" cut but, of course, with all the money that it was necessary to have. This is what Salvador Llopart in The Avant-garde has hit in calling movies I ungave of dad. The image has seemed brilliant to me.

The Miramax banner we might say that it has been Tarantino, which has grown to his patronage. His movies, of court avant-garde but infested of stars, answer very well to this new style that was opened.

Immediately after this movement, many of the big producers realized similar movements; or they were acquiring an independent producer or, straight, they were creating his. Examples there are many.

Warner Bros. created a division for movies of less than 20 million dollars that there called Warner Independent Pictures, who ended up by acquiring New Line Movie theater. Paramount Vantage was created by the Paramount at the end of the 90. The list of created subsidiary companies is enormous; Go Fish Pictures, Fox atomic or Hollywood pictures are only some examples.

But now almost they all have closed (those of the previous list all). In fact, important it remains Sony Classics and small sew more. This way, it seems that Miramax initiated a productive model and it seems that also it has closed it.

Now it costs of believing that in the 40s the industry of the movies was who was financing largely the Second World War. His hegemony has been falling down. It would give for another post to speak about how the big producers, in fact, already have no autonomy to decide his strategy, since they depend on big conglomerates mediáticos.

Already bearing in mind the proper difficulties of the industry, now there has joined the financial crisis that has given the last thrust to the sector. In fact, the brothers Weinstein, when in the middle of this last decade they left Miramax, created The Weinstein Company. In spite of having values so recognized as Tarantino, Michael Moore or Rob Marshall and of all the knowledge that they have of the sector, it is at the edge of the failure.

Unfortunately, really either there are a lot of ways of financing movies outsider. Movies that there is not part of the structure of the big producers. This is a serious problem that has the movies in general and the North American in particular. In the fund, it is like finishing with the quarry or, what is the same, gait towards the creative stagnation (if it is that we are already not in this point).

Nevertheless, one never stops being an optimist. If in due time values like Wes Anderson, Spike Jonze or Michel Gondry found the way to be announced, I do not have you doubt that the young talents will finish with meeting on him also. Will it be youtube?

Of course, the movies as industry will have to appear how they facilitate this process that so much can enrich them. Or the pain can be even more intense.

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