Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dialogue “24 hour party people”


Tony Wilson: What answers the fascism accusations?




His group, Joy division, one calls like the women captured by the SS with the intention to breed Aryan perfect. Is not it disgusting?


Has it heard to speak about the situacionismo? Or postmodernism? Does it know the free game between important and significant? If! We have a band called Joy Division and also another called Durruti Column. Does it receive the irony?

Situacionismo: The movement situacionista is a current of thought that was born in the 50s and that it was defending that the human being had to generate situations much planned with concrete targets. At the bottom of his philosophy the idea was of that another world is possible. They were very opposite to the passivity and they are, partly, responsible for the May, 68. If you want, you can read his document fundacional. It is a movement essentially modern.

Postmodernism: One treats as a movement of typical movements of beginnings of the 80s and that is born of the disappointment of seeing that the world could not be changed as he was proposing the modernism.

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